Power BI Custom Themes: Creating Professional-Looking Reports

In the world of data visualization, creating professional-looking reports is essential for making an impact and effectively conveying insights. Power BI, a leading business intelligence tool, offers a powerful feature called Custom Themes that allows users to customize the appearance of their reports. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of Power BI Custom Themes, discuss the process of creating and applying custom themes, and provide practical tips for designing visually stunning and cohesive reports.

Why Custom Themes Matter

Custom Themes in Power BI provide a range of benefits that enhance the visual appeal and user experience of your reports. When it comes to creating professional-looking reports, Custom Themes offer the following advantages:

1. Consistent Branding: Custom Themes enable you to apply consistent branding elements such as colors, fonts, and logos across multiple reports. By incorporating your organization’s branding guidelines, you can promote a professional and cohesive look throughout your reports, reinforcing your brand identity and recognition.

2. Tailored Visuals: With Custom Themes, you have the flexibility to customize visual elements to align with your brand or specific report requirements. You can easily modify backgrounds, data colors, fonts, and other visual aspects to create a visually appealing and engaging experience for your report users. Customizing the visuals ensures that your reports stand out and reflect the unique style of your organization.

3. Ease of Use: One of the key advantages of Power BI’s Custom Themes is its ease of use. You don’t need to be a coding or design expert to create and apply Custom Themes. Power BI simplifies the process, allowing you to update the look and feel of your reports effortlessly. With just a few clicks, you can transform the entire visual style of your report, saving time and effort.

Creating Custom Themes in Power BI

To create Custom Themes in Power BI, follow these steps:

1. Designing the Theme: Start by defining the visual elements of your theme, such as the color palette, fonts, and background. Consider your organization’s brand guidelines or the desired look and feel of the report. Think about the emotions you want to evoke and the story you want to tell through your visuals.

2. JSON File Creation: Once you have designed the theme, you need to convert it into a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) file format. Power BI provides a built-in theme editor or you can use a text editor to create the JSON file. The JSON file contains the specifications for each visual element, including colors, fonts, and other styling properties.

3. Applying the Custom Theme: To apply the Custom Theme to your Power BI report, import the JSON file you created or use the Power BI service’s built-in theme options. When you apply the Custom Theme, all the visual elements of your report will instantly adopt the custom styling defined in the JSON file.

Tips for Designing Professional-Looking Reports

To create visually appealing reports using Custom Themes, consider the following tips:

1. Consistent Branding: Choose colors, fonts, and styles that align with your organization’s brand guidelines or the overall theme of your report. Consistency across visuals and text enhances the professional look of the report and reinforces your brand identity.

2. Thoughtful Color Selection: Use a well-coordinated color palette that is pleasing to the eye and enhances data readability. Consider using colors that evoke emotions or highlight important data points. Be mindful of color contrast to ensure that the text remains legible against the chosen background colors.

3. Font Selection: Select fonts that are easily readable and appropriate for the content. Choose fonts that match your organization’s brand guidelines and maintain consistency in font styles and sizes throughout the report for a cohesive appearance. Consider using different font weights and styles to create visual hierarchy.

4. Attention to Detail: Pay attention to small details like borders, spacing, and alignment. Consistent and precise visual elements contribute to the overall professional look of the report. Ensure that borders are aligned and consistent across visuals, and maintain consistent spacing between elements for a polished appearance.

5. White Space and Layout: Utilize white space effectively to improve readability and visual hierarchy. Organize elements with clear and logical layouts, ensuring a clean and professional presentation. Consider the placement of visuals, text, and other components to guide the viewer’s attention and make the report easy to navigate.


Power BI Custom Themes empower users to create professional-looking reports that align with their branding and design preferences. By leveraging Custom Themes, you can enhance the visual appeal, consistency, and user experience of your Power BI reports. Incorporate these tips into your report design process to create visually stunning and impactful reports that effectively communicate insights.

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